Evolved Strength

Calgary’s premier one-on-one strength training studio
Evolved Health is a safe, effective one-on-one workout that builds strength, muscle, and confidence in just 15 minutes once per week. Each week you will work with a friendly, encouraging, and supportive coach who will push you to achieve your goals utilizing the highest quality machines in an impeccably clean and private space. With clients who range in age from 12 – 95-years-old, Evolved Health trainers work with you to achieve your own personal goals through a full-body strength workout that includes core and heart.
Need energy to move through your day and do what is required?
Tried lots of exercise programs but never stuck to it?
Exercise is a huge priority but there’s just no time in the week?
Feel like you’re hiding under baggy clothes?
Feel hunched over and lacking confidence in your body?
Noticing your strength and cardio are not what they used to be?
Want to be slimmer, more toned and have muscle definition?
Want a healthy body you can rely on for strength and stamina?
Book your complimentary consultation or find out more at www.evolvedstrength.ca.
Call for appointment
P | 403-244-1377

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